《生々流転 Life Eternal》百々武 Takeshi DODO

《生々流転 Life Eternal》百々武 Takeshi DODO


生々流転 Life Eternal
百々武 Takeshi DODO

Publisher: Case Publishing
Book Size: 250 × 260 mm

Pages: 190 pages
Binding: Softcover
Publication Year: 2021
Language: English, Japanese
Limited Edition: 500
ISBN: 978-4-908526-44-2

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《生々流転》— 透過攝影師 百々武 的攝影作品,展現了生活在川上村的人們,描繪出一種連結過去與現在的不屈精神。

川上村位於日本奈良縣東南部,坐落於吉野川的源頭。這片區域在五百多年前成為吉野林業的發源地,至今仍是日本最繁榮的林業地區之一。富饒的吉野川在二戰前後作為支撐著日本的經濟增長的一份子,更成為日本的經濟和文化發展至關重要的作用之一。儘管今天由於人口減少和老齡化,令到村莊面臨消失的威脅,川上村仍致力於保持吉野川的整潔和保護其茂密的森林。攝影師 百々武 於2017年與家人搬到川上村,花了三年多的時間拍攝這個村莊、周邊地區及當地居民,記錄了他們即使面對種種挑戰,依然保持著「川上」的精神。

《生々流転》的短紀錄片可在 YouTube 上免費觀看(日語配音,附英文字幕)。

“Life Eternal” – through photographs of the people living in Kawakami village, Dodo Takeshi creates a portrait of an unyielding spirit that connects past and present.

Kawakami is a village in Nara Prefecture, located at the headwaters of the Yoshino River. The area was the birthplace of Yoshino forestry more than 500 years ago, and still today is one of the most prosperous forestry regions of Japan. The rich Yoshino river has supported Japan’s economic growth before and after World War II, playing an essential role in Japan’s economic and cultural development. Although the village is threatened to disappear today due to depopulation and aging, Kawakami still dedicates itself to preserve the cleanliness of the Yoshino river and to protect its lush forests. Takeshi Dodo has moved to Kawakami with his family in 2017 and spent more than three years photographing the village, the area, and the people living here. In spite of everything, they keep the Kawakami spirit alive.

A short documentary film about Takeshi Dodo’s “Life Eternal” is free to watch on Youtube (Japanese with English subtitles).


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